Since 2021, our customers have saved:
Opt-E AS was founded on the basis of a solution we developed to save energy on pump and fan operation, and we called the solution SmartSave.
As we have developed and worked with SmartSave, we see that the solution delivers much more than saving energy. It provides a broad value creation for the customer, which is why we are now changing the name from SmartSave to Opt-E SCAPE.
Opt-E SCAPE combines pump/fan technology with automation technology and embeds it into a modern Industry 4.0 architecture with bespoke algorithms. The algorithms handle many sensor signals and different operating modes, as well as calculate the savings in real time.
Everything is visualized in a dashboard on your screen and an automatic reporting module gives you a full overview of savings on the environment, energy and cost.
The starting point will be energy saving, but the result of Opt-E SCAPE is a holistic value creation reflected in the letters S-C-A-P-E:
In an Opt-E SCAPE delivery there are 3 main parts:
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