Since 2021, our customers have saved:

9 905 290 KWh

4 417 759 Kg Co2

Gratis energianalyse!

Få oversikt om din bedrift kan spare energi med enkle grep. Analysen avslører også ev feil og skjulte påslag hos kraftleverandør og nettleverandør.

Alle våre kunder har redusert sine kostnader i samarbeidet med oss!

What you as a customer get from us

  • We have all types of energy products and mixing of energy products. 
  • Our agreements are 100% transparent.
  • Our energy price includes useful services, which in turn could reduce your company's energy costs.

Below you will find the main groups of energy products.

Spot price

For those who want to follow the fluctuations in the market.

Energy management

For those who want professional management.

Need help choosing an energy product?

Want to know more about how Opt-e can assist your company in reducing energy costs
and environmental footprint? Fill out the form below and we will contact you for a non-binding chat.